"THERE is no such thing as FAILURE, there is only effort renewed efforts and sustained efforts"
Teaching in its trees sense is not only to communicate or to give any instruction rather to influence the students. The Teacher's duty is mainly to communicate knowledge but also to help the children to grow, develop suitable attitudes, values and the personality. Behaviour management is similar to behaviour modification. It includes all the actions and conscious in actions which are productive and socially acceptable.
At GNPS- 21 we follows the behaviour management policies which attempts to guide and
motivate individual to change their action or interaction in certain settings.
At GNPS -21 we try to
create an environment to promote positive behaviour and reduce opportunities for indecorous behaviour.
Our teachers not only help the students to take a responsibility for the poor behaviour but also
approaches them an opportunity to learn and change.
Ours is a school approaches to behaviour Management which is student centred school
rules, fair discipline process, classroom management, strategies to work with parents and community,
praise and reward system, effective School management, counselling and support from professionally
trained teacher.
The teachers of GNPS-21 having a good rapport with each and every student. They
continue to monitor the student inside as well at outside the school campuses.
They understand the problem, fear or confusion of the student and help them to overcome the situations
any better and guided way. Our teachers conduct the classroom and shape the mind of The Young student
effectively and give up prepared and helpful feedback to the students.
There is a strong teacher student relationship in gnps 21 the teachers are both form and caring while
also pressing the student to do their very best at schools.
Our teachers deal poor behaviour quickly and easily. Teacher correct the minor infringements on the
spot. On the spot correcting action include thing such as making eye contact, moving closer to the
students group, reminding them relevant rules or simply telling them to get back to work.
The teacher reinforces the good behaviour while discouraging the undesirable behaviour by rewarding.
They maintain the formal rules and explain the reason behind the rules in a positive way.
The teachers of our school always give an important for arranging an environment for learning and help
the student to develop appropriate behaviour which ensures equality learning environment. They always
try to get to know the kids better from a personal standpoint.
Our main purpose at GNPS – 21 is to promote a positive and caring classroom community that which
encourage students learning, positive peers and a good relationship with the teachers which is not
about forcing the student to comply with the teachers demand.
Teachers of gnps 21 is to bring out the best in every child and enable them to be on the path of
continuous development and progress. They have the children to inoculate values of companion, empathy
and respect towards others. They help the children to develop into principal her reflective and self
directed learners. Our teacher inspire and guide the student to gain success at the height of